Republic of Mathematics blog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Adding structure to solve a problem

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: November 9, 2010

James Tanton (@jamestanton) tweeted the following problem: “25 people stand in a 5×5 grid of squares,1 per cell. At blow of whistle each is to take one step L, R ,U or D to a new cell, 1 per cell. How?” The problem does not state the grid is in a plane, but if, for […]

What constructivist mathematics is not …

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: November 5, 2010

Over at Parenting is Political, @northTOmom has written a recent post:  THIS MATH DEPRESSES ME. Part of what concerns @northTOmom is what she identifies as “constructivist” math. Here is what she writes: “So why do I object to constructivist math? One reason is that it is, by-design, non-incremental or “spiral”: its textbooks jump around from […]