Republic of Mathematics blog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Vertical integration of mathematics K-20

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: October 28, 2010

The @mathchat topic for Thursday October 28, sale 2010 is: “How can we facilitate vertical (cross-curricular) integration of mathematics teaching from early years to graduate-level?” In this post I want to think about the vertical integration aspect of this question. Below are some issues that I feel need to be addressed in a genuinely productive […]

Probabilities: when do we add and when do we multiply?

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: October 27, 2010

@davidwees asked on Twitter: “Looking for ideas so students can experiment with the difference between mutually exclusive & independent events in probability.” My Twitter response was: “May sound strange, but: when do probs add, when do they multiply? Explore.” In this post I want to think about mutually exclusive and independent events from a teaching […]