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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

How much does that glass of wine cost?

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: October 27, 2010

About to ? Say, with tip? No: the answer depends on how old you are when you drink it, and what you would do with the money otherwise. I was watching a recent Suze Orman show and I admired the way she drove home the real cost of spending by relating it to a single […]

Transformative mathematics education: 14 indicators of success

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: October 20, 2010

Carolyn Foote, High School educator and “techno-librarian”, has an excellent article at The Huffington Post. Let me paraphrase her: “Transformative school change needs to take a hard look at what really moves our students towards a “21st century (mathematics) education” — an education where students are working on inquiry-based, real world problems, and acknowledge the […]