Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: November 30, 2010
On the rectangular grid shown below we can imagine walking from the red spot to a yellow spot, by taking unit steps up, down, left or right, to adjacent spots:
There are many ways to walk from the red spot to the purple spot shown below, but only 2 of those paths – the ones show in color – are shortest paths:
All other paths from the red spot to the purple spot take more than two steps.
We call a shortest path from the red spot to a yellow spot a geodesic.
The length of a geodesic is the number of yellow spots it passes through.
The geodesics shown above in color have length 2.
I want to think about the idea of a geodesic having offspring.
Suppose a geodesic goes from the red dot to yellow dot 1, then to yellow dot 2, and to yellow dot 3:
This geodesic, which we will name (Greek “gamma”) has length 3: it passes through 3 yellow dots.
It is also a part of 2 geodesics of length 4, namely those geodesics that after reaching yellow spot 3, go to yellow spot A, or to yellow spot B.
These length 4 geodesics we call daughters of the geodesic : they are geodesics of length one greater than and they consist of the path plus one extra step.
The geodesic has 2 daughters, and this is typical of most geodesics.
However, some geodesics have 3 daughters. These are the geodesics that travel directly up, or directly down, or directly left, or directly right, from the red spot:
The blue geodesic (of length 2) has 3 daughters (of length 3).
Let’s call a geodesic of type A if it has 2 daughters, and of type B if it has 3 daughters.
Let denote the number of geodesics of type A that have length , and let denote the number of geodesics of type B that have length .
There are 4 geodesics of length 1, all of which are of type B.
So .
A geodesic of type A of length has 2 daughters, both of which are of type A, and of length .
A geodesic of type B of length has 3 daughters, all of length , two of which are of type A and the other of which is of type B.
So, .
This means
The recurrence together with the initial condition allows us to calculate how many geodesics there are of type A of length , for any .
The total number of geodesics of length we denote by , so .
From the recurrence for and the fact that we get the same recurrence for as for , but with a different initial condition:
A spreadsheet can calculate the values of for small from the recurrence formula:
n | Gamma(n) | Gamma(n)/Gamma(n-1) |
1 | 4 | |
2 | 12 | 3 |
3 | 28 | 2.333333333 |
4 | 60 | 2.142857143 |
5 | 124 | 2.066666667 |
6 | 252 | 2.032258065 |
7 | 508 | 2.015873016 |
8 | 1020 | 2.007874016 |
9 | 2044 | 2.003921569 |
10 | 4092 | 2.001956947 |
11 | 8188 | 2.000977517 |
12 | 16380 | 2.00048852 |
13 | 32764 | 2.0002442 |
14 | 65532 | 2.000122085 |
15 | 131068 | 2.000061039 |
16 | 262140 | 2.000030519 |
17 | 524284 | 2.000015259 |
18 | 1048572 | 2.000007629 |
19 | 2097148 | 2.000003815 |
20 | 4194300 | 2.000001907 |
21 | 8388604 | 2.000000954 |
22 | 16777212 | 2.000000477 |
23 | 33554428 | 2.000000238 |
24 | 67108860 | 2.000000119 |
25 | 134217724 | 2.00000006 |
Also shown in this table is the ratio .
This ratio seems to approach 2 as increases.
This numerical evidence suggests that the total number of geodesics of length is increasing exponentially, by a multiplication factor of about 2.
To see why approaches a limit as increases, as distinct from observing from a table that it seems to, we use the fact that so .
Because increases without bound, we see that for large , as the numerical evidence suggested.
The rectangular grid could be replaced by a triangular grid:
or a hexagonal grid:
Venturing into 3 dimensions, we could consider a cubical grid:
How does the number of geodesics from a given starting spot vary with the length of the geodesic in each of these cases?
1 | Dave Radcliffe
December 1, 2010 at 1:10 am
Square grid: 2^n – 4
Triangular grid: 6*(2^n – 1)
Hexagonal grid: 6*(2^(n/2)-1) if n is even; 9*[2^((n-1)/2)]-6 if n is odd.
Cubical grid: 8*3^n – 12*2^n + 6
The formula for the hexagonal grid can be found here:
The last two sequences are missing from the OEIS. All of the above formulas assume n>0. The formula for the cubical grid can be generalized to higher dimensions.
Gary Davis
December 1, 2010 at 6:04 am
Thanks for the information and links, Dave