Republic of Mathematics blog

Happy March 31 = 3/31 day

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: March 31, 2013

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Unemployment, 2000, for U.S. metropolitan areas: a surprising distribution

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: March 26, 2013

My colleague Keith Resendes (@histogramma1) is very interested in U.S. unemployment rates, utilizing data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

After some data munging, I got unemployment data, 2000-2013, by metropolitan area,  from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website into R.

From there, extracting subsets of the data is straightforward. Here is the histogram – over U.S. metropolitan areas – for 2000: BLS_unemployment_2000 and here are the basic descriptive statistics:

Mean = 4.2

Standard deviation = 2.0

Skewness = 3.1

Kurtosis = 15.9

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