Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: June 12, 2015
I wrote
Today I want to show how this might be easier  to do in Mathematica®.
First let’s define the function zsf[data,k] which calculates the proportion of data that lies within k standard deviations of the mean of the given data set:
zsf[data_, k_] := Length[Cases[data, x_ /; Abs[x – mean[data]] <= k*StandardDeviation[data]]]/Length[data]
The code “Cases[data, x_ /; Abs[x – mean[data]] <= k*StandardDeviation[data]]” keeps those instances, called x, of the data set that are within k standard deviations of the mean of the data.
As in R, we import the data as a text file from a URL:
nosmokedata = Import[“\06/nosmoke.txt”, “List”]
The “List” option tells Mathematica® to import the data string as a formatted (ordered) list, which in R would be seen as a vector.
We plot a histogram of the data:
We calculate the fraction of data that lies within 1 standard deviation of the mean and express that both as a fraction and a floating point number:
zsf[nosmokedata, 1]
Then we plot zsf[k] as a function of k over the range 0 through 4, subdivided into 20 equal intervals, as well as present the results in table form:
T = Table[{N[k], N[zsf[nosmokedata, k]]}, {k, 0, 4, 4/20}];
TableForm[T, TableHeadings -> {None, {“k”, “zsf[k]”}}]
ListPlot[T, Joined -> True, Mesh -> All]
Well, that’s it … the result could have been written very nicely in Mathematica® and saved as a PDF, or as a CDF and placed as an interactive document on the Web.
R has similar capabilities, so you pays your money and takes your choices.
I just feel data analysts should be aware there is a choice.
Now if Wolfram (Steve) could lower the price of Mathematica® to $50 …
Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: June 11, 2015
For programming purposes, one should think of a function as a type of object that takes certain types of INPUTS, and – once those inputs are given – produces a definite OUTPUT.
A simple example is the AVERAGE function, for which the input is a list of numbers
and the output is the average
We can think of the AVERAGE function schematically as follows:
The “object” that acts as input to the function is a finite list of numeric data. The “object” that is output by the function is a single numeric value. The function itself is also an “object”.
You can define functions yourself in R using the function command. When you create a function it is an object, that can be used in R like any other object.
A function in R has 3 components:
The structure of a function will typically look like this:
functionname<-function(argument1, argument2, … ){computations using the arguments}
In this example we use a function to compute the fraction of data points, from a given data set, that lie within standard deviations from the mean.
We INPUTÂ a vector of numerical data and a positive number
Note that the input vector is a single object in R: it has numerical components, yet so far as R is concerned it is a column vector (= an ordered list).
We OUTPUT a single number:Â the fraction of data points, from, that lie within
standard deviations from the mean ofÂ
In specifying this function we will do something that is very common – we will make use of other, existing R functions, such as mean and standard deviation (among others).
Let’s name the function zsf (for “z-score function”).
So our definition will begin:
zsf<-function(argument1, argument2, … ){computations using the arguments}
and we have to fill in the arguments and the computations to get the output.
The function arguments will be a column vector and a numeric value. Let’s call the data vector argument data, and the numeric argument k:
zsf<-function(data, k){computations using the arguments}
To do the computation in the body of the function we have to compute the mean and standard deviation of the input data set:
mean(data), sd(data)
Note that the functions mean and sd are part of the R stats package, which loads automatically when you open R.
Now we have to carry out the remaining computations that will give us the output:
subset(data, abs(data-mean(data))<=k*sd(data))
length(subset(data, abs(data-mean(data))<=k*sd(data)))/length(data)
Stringing this together, the final form for the function is:
zsf<-function(data, k){length(subset(data, abs(data-mean(data))<=k*sd(data)))/length(data)}
To realize this function in R we first need to import a data set. Here is a data set consisting of birth weights, in ounces, of babies of mothers who did not smoke during pregnancy, taken from the Stat Labs Data Page, and formatted as a .txt file:Â nosmoke
By right-clicking on the “nosmoke” file link you can get the URL of this file, which is
We import this data into R, name it “nosmoke” and define the z-score function as above, and use it to  compute what fraction of the data is within 1 standard deviation of the mean:
> nosmoke<-read.table(“”, header=FALSE, sep=””)
> str(nosmoke)
to get the structure of the data frame “nosmoke”. You will see in the structure of the data frame a header for the birth weights. In our case the header, given by R, is ‘V1’:
‘data.frame’: 742 obs. of 1 variable:
$ V1: int 120 113 123 136 138 132 120 140 114 115 …
We can extract the column headed ‘V1’ as follows:
> nosmokedata=nosmoke[[‘V1’]]
The “nosmokedata” is now a column vector, and we can, for example, plot a histogram of this data:
> hist(nosmokedata)
> zsf<-function(data,k){length(subset(data,abs(data-mean(data))<=k*sd(data)))/length(data)}
> zsf(nosmokedata,1)
[1] 0.7277628
So, approximately 72.8% of the data is within 1 standard deviation of the mean.
Given a data set, such as the “nosmokedata” above, we can vary k and plot the fraction of data within k standard deviations of the mean, as simply a function of k (with the data as a given: in other words, with the data argument fixed).
We calculate:
> (mean(nosmokedata)-min(nosmokedata))/sd(nosmokedata)
[1] 3.911052
> (max(nosmokedata)-mean(nosmokedata))/sd(nosmokedata)
[1] 3.043495
and so see that all the data lies within 4 standard deviations of the mean.
> values<-seq(0, 4, by=4/20)
Here we have chosen the range from 0 through 4, and divided that into 20 equally spaced intervals. A readout shows us the computed range of k values:
> values
[1] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0
We check that “values” is a vector:
> is.vector(values)
[1] TRUE
First we define the function of the variable k:
> func<-function(k){zsf(nosmokedata,k)}
Then we use the function lapply to create a list as a result of applying this function of 1 variable to the vector “values”, and we unlist the result to get a data frame:
> y=unlist(lapply(values, func))
> pairs<-cbind(values,z)
> plot(pairs,type=”b”,main=”zsf(k) as a function of k”, xlab=”k”, ylab=”zsf(k)”)
The plot allows us to see visually how the proportion of data within k standard deviations of the mean varies with k.
Note: the option type=“b” in the plot function draws both points and lines.
A skilled R programmer could have done this quicker and slicker: I hope I have laid out enough information so that you can see how functions are defined, can be applied to vectors, and plotted to give useful visual information.
Having defined a function such as the zsf function above, we would like to save it for future use.
Customizing R at Quick R byRob Kabacoff has a useful discussion on loading user-defined functions into R on startup.